Partner-Assisted Audit Instructions

Partner-assisted audits are environmental audits completed by a learner with the support of a partner. The partner can help the learner in various ways—taking notes, helping to navigate the venue, clarifying expectations, etc.

For Partners:

Before the audit

  1. Review the audit form and instructions with the learner you are assisting.
  2. Help them understand the categories covered by the audit.
  3. Encourage the learner to express their opinions freely and remind them there are no wrong answers.
  4. If the learner you are assisting needs accommodation, contact the location in advance to make sure they offer it.

During the audit

  1. Take your time walking through the location. Take breaks as needed.
  2. Work with the learner to complete the audit form.
  3. Assist the learner notice their senses and add pertinent notes to the audit form.
  4. If it helps the learner, encourage them to take pictures to explain their thoughts. They can take pictures of things they like and don’t like, or of things they think the location should change. 

Reporting the Audit

  1. Talk with the learner about the location you audited. Does the learner think the location should change anything? What should stay the same?
  2. Write all comments and notes on the audit form, using detailed responses when appropriate.
  3. If you or the learner took pictures, attach them to the audit form with explanations, when possible. 
  4. When the learner has completed the audit, give the audit form to a store manager or the person who asked the learner to complete the audit.

For Learners:

Before the audit

  1. Look at the different parts of the audit form.
  2. Ask your partner to help explain any parts you don’t understand.
  3. If you need a special accommodation, contact the location to make sure they offer it. Ask for help from your partner, if needed.

During the audit

  1. Take your time walking through the location. Take breaks if you need to.
  2. Follow the directions of the audit form with your partner.
  3. Pay attention to your senses and communicate your thoughts to your partner.
  4. If it helps to take pictures to explain your thoughts, please do. You can take pictures of things you like and don’t like, or of things you think the location should change. 

Reporting the Audit

  1. Think about liking the location you audited. Should they change anything?
  2. Try to think of examples of things you liked and did not like. Write, draw, or ask your partner to put those things on the audit form.
  3. If you took pictures, attach them to the audit form with explanations, when possible. Ask for help, if needed.
  4. If a partner went to the location with you for the audit, you or they may add their feedback if you’d like.
  5. When you are done with the audit, give the audit form to a store manager or the person who asked you to complete the audit.